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Labour Consultant East Rand.Human Resource (HR Management Consultant) Practitioner By helping Companies & Businesses with HR audits,retrenchments disciplinary hearings,CCMA & Bargaining Councils Representation.Performance Management & Incapacity hearings
Unique Hr provides HR Management assistance to companies.Practical HR Management Policies & Procedures which are inter alia: AARTO Act for the effective management of employee driver infringements and to initiate incapacity procedures for drivers whose licenses were revoked.R.I.C.A. Act to protect employers from privacy claimsinternet usage & emails of employees and their activities on Social Media are monitored & intercepted.Absenteeism Management / unauthorised absence from work.CCMA etc.
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https://www.aiyellow.com/Unique_HR_Directions/ID: 588549 - R: 11
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